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There is nothing quite as exciting as the moment you become engaged. The second - no matter if it has been planned for months, or comes as a total surprise – you realize that you’re committing your life to the man of your dreams is unlike any other you’ll experience in life.

And, there is nothing quite as typical as the response most newly-engaged couples have upon saying yes to the engagement ring: “let’s start planning the wedding”. 

But, don’t let the excitement of this special moment pass you by, by getting bogged down in the tactics of your big day. Give yourselves at least a month to simply be engaged. And, then, start planning… your engagement party!


The engagement party is not only the best excuse for a party, but it also can serve as a practice run for planning your wedding, a perfect opportunity to take engagement photos, and, did we say a great excuse to celebrate?! Think of the engagement as your rehearsal wedding.

But, most importantly, the engagement party is the best way of scaling down your big day. For many couples, a big wedding is simply out of the question. Should you choose a more private and intimate ceremony, the engagement party provides your friends and loved ones a way to offer their congratulations, even though they may not be there on the actual day you share those vows. 

The beauty of the engagement party, is that it can be as formal or casual as you want.  Big or small, long or short, elaborate or simple, plan your engagement party as you would any once in a lifetime event.   Whatever your style, make sure it reflects your personalities and gives all those who love you a chance to share their joy for your having found each other.