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There are those who Tough Mudder. Others who go the ultra-marathon distance. And, most of us who struggle to get to the gym on a regular basis.

No matter the trend, the key to exercise is like many facts of life, rooted in centuries old practices; practices that were thought to be the basis for original Olympians and the olympic bodies (and statuary) that lionized them.

One of the earliest “exercise gurus” was the Frenchman, George Hébert. He is the father of the original obstacle course and, therefore, the father of many of the fitness trends we see today: from crossfit to Parkour.

His study of ancient athletes, as well as “native ultra athletes” led him to conclude that all we needed to undertake to achieve an Adonis-like body, was to consistently practice 10 exercises: walk, run, jump, move on all fours, climb, keep balance, throw, lift, defend yourself and swim. And, best yet if you were to do so outside. Thus, was born the obstacle course.

Now, for the more enterprising among us, finding or fashioning up an obstacle course might not be the most challenging of endeavors. But, for the rest of us mere mortals pursuing immortal physical perfection, the solution to an obstacle course can be found in the work of Steve Maxwell who collapses the key motions of Hébert’s ten exercises into one fluid sequence.

Now, for those of you who want your workout to be an adventure or need to workout for an adventure, Steve and Hébert will have your back!